Internal and External Components of Router

Components of Router

Internal Components are the components on which router base these are major and most important components of the router if one of them component not exist router is useless and these are the components that make the router effective and intelligence device. Following are the five internal components of the router:
  • POST
  • ROM
  • RAM
Post stands for the power on self test. When the router power on router test itself and find that how many modules on me and  how many interfaces exist on me. Basically POST is the self test of the router for the checking of the hardware.
ROM stands for the read only memory and Rom is the memory which is use to loads the bootstrap programs and searches for the IOS (Internetworking Operating System).
Flash is the storage where the IOS of the router stores.
NVRAM stands for the non volatile random access memory. It is the memory that stores the configurations permanent that are known as the start-up configurations.
RAM stands for the random access memory. It is the memory that stores the configurations temporary and that are known as the running configurations. 

External Components of router are the components that exist on the back of the router and these components are the following:

Internal and External Components of Router
Fig 1: Internal and External Components of Router

  • Power Switch 
  • Power Cord Connection
  • Console Port
  • Auxiliary Port
  • Serial Port
  • FastEthernet Port
Power Switch
Power switch is the switch that is use to power on and power off the router.
Power Cord Connection
Power cord connection is the connection that is use to supply the electricity to the router.
Console Port
The purpose of this port is to access the terminal of the device by attaching the console cable.
Auxiliary Port
The purpose of this port is also to access the device terminal when your networking device not near your and we access the terminal by the help of the modem that we used in the past time of the dialup.
Serial Port 
For the connection of the Wide Area Network.
FastEthernet Port
For the connection of the Local Area Network.

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